Activity Classifications

Code Name
Controlled descent of a vertical drop, such as a rock face.
Base Camp
Staying at a location and using it as a base for walks.
Bike Trip
Bike trip
Bushwalking Qld Inc
Canoe Trip
Canoe/kayak trip
Day Walk
A Day Walk is a walk that is undertaken over the course of a single day.
Extended Trip
1 week +
Federation Mountain Rescue
Half Day Walk
Half day walk, including evening walks.
Long Weekend
Club Nights
Public Holiday
Safety & Training
Safety and Training activities are conducted specifically to heighten the skills of leaders and other members.  Examples of Safety and Training activities are Navigation Exercises, First Aid Courses, Abseiling Courses, and Leader Training Base Camps.
Social Activity
E.g. Dinner, Xmas Party, etc.
Surveys are activities conducted specifically for the purpose of scoping new locations, or locations that have not been visited for some time, for suitability to use for day walks, through walks or otherwise.  Surveys usually consist of small, experienced groups.
Through Walk
Through Walks typically begin on Friday night and finish on Sunday afternoon/evening. The walker must carry all their gear for camping out overnight, sometimes including water for the duration. These walks are regarded as the ultimate in walking, as you are able to visit more remote areas not able to be accessed by road and therefore considered more interesting and sometimes challenging. In contrast there are some fairly easy through walks, which are, for the most part on tracks, yet still giving the impression of being somewhere fairly remote, interesting and away from civilisation.
Walk-in Base Camp
Walk in to a location, carrying camping gear, and use it as a base for walks.


Code Name

Less than 10km per day


10-15km per day


15 - 20km per day

Extra Long

Over 20km per day

Terrain Gradings

Path with smooth surface and low gradient

Well-formed path or graded track with some minor obstacles


Graded track, with obstacles such as rock or root intrusions, fallen debris, or creek crossings


Rough, unformed track or open terrain, with obstacles such as rock or root intrusions, fallen debris, or creek crossings


Rough or rocky terrain that may require use of hands, and/or creek rock hopping that requires small to moderate steps. Fallen debris possible


Steep, rough or rocky terrain requiring use of hands, and/or creek rock hopping requiring moderate to large steps or jumps. Fallen debris possible


Climb or descend steep rock, using hand or foot holds. May be some exposure. Good upper body strength required


Climb or descend near vertical rock with exposure, using widely spaced or small hand or foot holds. Climbing skills may be required. Good upper body strength required


Sustained climbing or descent of vertical or near vertical rock with exposure, using widely spaced or small hand or foot holds. Advanced climbing skills may be required. Good upper body strength required

Physical / Endurance Gradings


Basic - Generally suitable for new bushwalkers. About four hours of walking and possibly minor hills. Slower pace with frequent breaks


Easy - About five hours of walking and about 300m of elevation gain/loss per day


Moderate - About six hours of walking and about 600m of elevation gain/loss per day. Agility required


Hard - Good fitness, endurance and agility required. About seven hours of walking and about 800m of elevation gain/loss per day


Very Hard - High fitness, endurance and agility required. About eight hours of walking and about 1000m of elevation gain/loss per day

Bushwalking Adventures Queensland  offers a range of activities including social activities (Soc) and cycling (BK), however our main activity is bushwalking. We offer day walks (DW), through walks (TW) that involve pack carrying and camping overnight, and base camps (BC) where we camp fairly close to our cars and walk each day from the camp site.

Each walk is graded using a combination of criteria - distance, terrain and level of fitness required. See Walk Gradings, below, for further information on the walks grading system. When you prepare for your first walk you need to be very mindful of your own abilities so it is best to be cautious in selecting your first walk until you learn what your capabilities are in relation to the grading system.

Be aware that what might be casually described as easy by more experienced bushwalkers may be a little more challenging for the inexperienced. There is nothing more disheartening than to find yourself on a walk where everyone else is used to jumping from rock to rock and you are not. You are most welcome to ring the Members Officer or email our Outings Officer to inquire on the nature of the walk and the equipment required.

Our grading system

The system we use helps to determine the suitability of walks and other activities for participants. Each grading has four parts including:

  • Activity Type – Abbreviated
  • Distance grade – Abbreviated
  • Terrain Difficulty grade – 1 to 9, ascending in order of difficulty
  • Fitness grade – A to E, ascending in order of difficulty.

The grading is comprised of the activity type and three characters: distance, terrain and fitness level. You can download a PDF copy of the gradings here.

Example: A suitable walk for beginners is the Lower Bellbird Circuit at Binna Burra in Lamington National Park which is a 13km graded track walk. This particular activity is a DW with a grading of M3B.

The classification and grading means that this is a Day Walk, of Medium length in distance, with a Terrain difficulty of 3 and a Fitness grade of B.


Participants are responsible for ensuring they are capable of doing the walk for which they nominate.

Easier walks: A terrain grade of 1 – 3 is suitable for beginners and inexperienced walkers.

Moderate walks: A terrain grade of 4 and higher requires increasing degrees of self-reliance.

Difficult walks: A terrain grade of 7 and higher requires accurate self-assessment of ability before undertaking difficult walks, including off track day walks and through walks.

Participants are encouraged to contact the walk leader and discuss fitness and skill levels if they are in any doubt.

Walking and Camping Equipment Available for Loan

* CB Radios * Club Banners * Compasses * First Aid Kits – large and small * Gazebo * GPS * Packs * Pack Covers * PLB * Sleeping Mats * Small Stoves * Space Blanket * Tarp and Tarp Poles * Tents – various sizes *Trekking poles

Social Events

In addition to the monthly club nights, there are a number of social activities (Soc) throughout the year.

See our Walks Calendar for the date of upcoming social activities. 

  • Every second month on the Wednesday following the club night we organise a get together such as a visit to a favourite restaurant.
  • Christmas is also celebrated over a weekend away in December, with plenty of fun, food and good company.


Risk Management

Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) Information Summary.

Review the document Prevention is Better than Rescue which provides information on the safety aspects of bushwalking and trip management. Club members are encouraged to participate in safety and training exercises organised by Federation Mountain Rescue Inc


  • Plan your route beforehand and get information from experienced walkers or people familiar with the area. Check for park alerts and other information on the Internet and Bushwalks Database.
  • Do not undertake too much within the time available: recognise your limitations in relation to the country to be covered.
  • Get the best maps and always carry a compass. Learn how to use both of them. Remember all the conditions you are likely to encounter do not appear on a map or GPS.
  • Include as much detail as possible in the description for your activity on the club's Walks Calendar. This includes details of the route, intended campsite/s, and the day and approximate time of return. Check that the list of participants is correct.


  • The pace of the party should be regulated to suit every member and the leader should not strain weaker members with fast pace over rough country. Rest periodically.
  • Every member of the party should take an intelligent interest in the route and should note physical features such as creeks and ridges. Look back regularly so you may recognise the route in case you have to retrace your steps. Don’t leave it to the leader to do this, as it may be you who becomes lost - not the leader.
  • Always try to be aware of progress and direction by frequent reference to map and compass or position of the sun. Keep progressive trip notes.
  • The party should be kept together at all times, and a strong experienced person should be stationed at the rear to ensure there are no stragglers. Check numbers fairly frequently, particularly when turning onto another track, when there is a river crossing, before resuming after a rest, and before or after a difficult section of country.
  • It is advisable to carry a waterproof coat and sweater on all trips, no matter how fine the weather may appear to be.


  • Sit down for a while and overcome the natural tendency to panic. When you’ve calmed yourself, plan as logically as you can. By using map and recollection of the country traversed, decide which is the best route to safety.
  • Check your food/water supplies and ration them if necessary.
  • From the time you are uncertain of your location, mark the route taken by breaking green twigs, scratching arrows, placing stones on logs, making footprints in mud, dropping pieces of paper. Leave a dated note at each camp or fire site, indicating the direction you are going next, and the names and physical condition of the members of the party.
  • It is not safe to travel in rough bush country at night. Light a good fire in the best available sheltered position well before darkness overtakes you, and await the arrival of daylight, or searchers.
  • Watch the weather closely. Do not march in a blizzard, snow or fog - stay put, make a sheltered camp and get a fire going before you are exhausted.
  • If you are bewildered and cannot find your way to safety, find a sheltered campsite with water and with an open area nearby to facilitate signalling aircraft. Then stay put. A smoky fire will always attract the attention of searchers in aircraft, or on the ground.


The club has prepared checklists of items you should consider taking depending on the type of activity (day walk, base camp, bike trip, through walk...), length of trip, weather, etc. It is the individual member's responsibility to ensure that they are adequately equipped for their activity in regards to adequate water and food, first aid kit, warm clothing and raincoat. This not only ensures your comfort, it is a necessary precaution.

Gear checklist for activities (PDF)

The first aid kit and gear list of recommended items are attached. It is essential to take a well equipped bush kit on all trips. If you have any medical condition which could affect you on an activity (or in an emergency, such as an unscheduled night in the bush) please advise the leader in confidence. Always carry any personal medications (clearly labelled) that you may require.

First Aid Kit (PDF)

  • The club has a wide range of gear for members to borrow free of charge: sleeping mats, tents, backpacks, stoves, first aid kits etc. To borrow club gear, please email:
  • Before making any major purchases, we recommend that you borrow club equipment to see if it suits you. Experienced club members can advise on different types and brands of gear available.
  • If you are considering buying gear, Great Walks and Wild magazines are valuable Australian resources. These magazines regularly publish surveys on a variety of outdoor gear.

Sharing Vehicles

  • The club encourages car pooling - you can check the club website for information on who else will be attending your chosen activity and make your own arrangements, or email the leader notifying your preference as either a passenger or driver. Some trips may involve 4WD access.
  • It is club policy for passengers to share travel costs of the vehicle. The amount is outlined in the club's By-laws and paid to the driver.
  • Passengers may want to consider taking a change of clothes for the journey home. Often walkers return from walks sweaty and sometimes muddy or wet, so bring a change of clothes for after the walk and the return car journey.
  • Bring a bag for your dirty boots and clothing. This ensures vehicles are not unnecessarily soiled.